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The causative agent of AIDS is HIV, a human retrovirus. Researchers have known since 1984 that HIV enters human cells by binding with a receptor protein known as CD4, located on human immune-cell surfaces. HIV carries on its surface a viral protein known as gp120, which specifically recognizes and binds to the CD4 protein molecules on the outer surface of human immune cells. However, in 1984 researchers found that CD4 by itself was not sufficient for HIV infection to take place. Some other unknown factor, found only in human cells, was also required. After much research, in 1996 scientists discovered that HIV must also bind to chemokine receptors, small proteins also found on the surface of human immune cells, to enter the cells. The first chemokine receptor linked to HIV entry was CXCR4 (originally called fusin), which is bound by HIV strains that dominate during the latter stages of the disease. Researchers then determined that another chemokine receptor, CCR5, bound HIV strains that dominate in the early stages of the disease. Researchers are continuously discovering more chemokine receptors.

Any human cell that has the correct binding molecules on its surface is a potential target for HIV infection. However, it is the specific class of human white blood cells called CD4 T-cells that are most affected by HIV because these cells have high concentrations of the CD4 molecule on their outer surfaces. HIV replication in CD4 T-cells can kill the cells directly; however, the cells also may be killed or rendered dysfunctional by indirect means without ever having been infected with HIV. CD4 T-cells are critical in the normal immune system because they help other types of immune cells respond to invading organisms. As CD4 T-cells are specifically killed during HIV infection, no help is available for immune responses. General immune system failure results, permitting the opportunistic infections and cancers that characterize clinical AIDS.

Although it is generally agreed that HIV is the virus that causes AIDS and that HIV replication can directly kill CD4 T-cells, the large variation among individuals in the amount of time between infection with HIV and a diagnosis of AIDS has led to speculation that other cofactors—that is, factors acting along with HIV—may influence the course of disease. The exact nature of these cofactors is uncertain—it is believed that they may include genetic, immunologic, and environmental factors or other diseases. However, it is clear that HIV must be present for the development of AIDS.



Cold Sore

Cold Sore, also called fever blister, a small, painful blister on the face, especially around the lips and nose and inside the mouth. A cold sore first appears as a small red pimple that gradually develops into a small, painful blister full of clear fluid. When the blister ruptures, it appears yellowish, dry, and crusted. A herpes simplex virus causes cold sores. They spread from one individual to another by direct contact between skin surfaces, and they usually erupt in clusters.

Most people infected by the herpes simplex virus contract it before adolescence, but only a small percent of exposed children actually develop symptoms at that time. When the herpes simplex virus is inactive, it lies dormant in neurons, or nerve cells. Later, illnesses or emotional upsets can reactivate the virus and trigger the development of cold sores, and affected individuals often suffer from recurring attacks. Cold sores tend to accompany common colds and infectious diseases, such as pneumonia and diphtheria that are characterized by fever. The cold sore infection itself can raise body temperature above normal and account for swelling in the lymph nodes of the neck. Cold sores usually last from ten days to two weeks, and no preventive measures are known, although antibiotic ointments can control complications caused by the bacterial infections that often accompany cold sores. The antiviral ointments known as vidarabine and acyclovir may also be prescribed to relieve the pain of cold sores.



Diarrhea, Frequent passage of abnormally loose, watery stool. Diarrhea usually develops suddenly and may last from several hours to a few days. It is often accompanied by abdominal pains, low fever, nausea, and vomiting. If the attacks are severe or increasingly frequent, exhaustion and dehydration can result. In normal digestion the large intestine absorbs excess water from liquid food residues produced by earlier phases of the digestive process before excreting semisolid stools. When the mucous membrane lining the large intestine is irritated o r inflamed, food residues move through the large intestine too quickly and the resulting stool is watery because the large intestine cannot absorb the excess water.

Diarrhea is not a disease. It is a symptom of numerous disorders, such as food poisoning from contaminated foods or beverages, infections by viruses and bacteria, or anxiety. Chronic diarrhea, which lasts weeks or months, may be caused by amoebic dysentery (intestinal infection), tumors, and other serious intestinal disorders such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome. Except in the case of irritable bowel syndrome, the stool may contain blood or pus.

The usual treatment for diarrhea consists of bed rest, drinking liquids to replace fluids and salts lost from the body, and eating soft foods. Dehydration is a serious concern in infants and the elderly. If the condition lasts more than a few days, a physician should be consulted.


Red Blood

Red blood cells are formed in the bone marrow (see Bone). After an average life of 120 days, red blood cells are broken down and removed by the spleen. The different kinds of white blood cells are formed in various sites: neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils (the granular leukocytes) are formed in the bone marrow; lymphocytes are formed in the thymus, the lymph glands (see Lymphatic System), and other lymphatic tissue; and monocytes are formed in the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, and other organs. Platelets are formed in the bone marrow. All these constituents of the blood are continuously worn out or consumed and must be continuously replaced.

The components of plasma are formed in various organs of the body. The liver makes albumin and fibrinogen, stores blood sugar, and releases such important elements as sodium, potassium, and calcium; endocrine glands (see Endocrine System) make the hormones that are transported in the plasma; the lymphocytes and plasma cells make some of the proteins; and other constituents are derived by absorption from the intestinal tract (see Intestine).


One of the most remarkable properties of blood is its ability to clot, or coagulate. Normally, within the blood vessels, blood remains in a fluid condition. Within the body, blood may clot in response to tissue injury, such as a muscle tear, a cut, or a sharp blow. When exposed to air, blood becomes sticky and sets into a firm, jellylike mass. This mass then separates into two portions: a firm red clot floating free in a transparent, straw-colored fluid called serum.

A clot consists almost entirely of red blood cells entangled in a network of fine fibrils, or threads, composed of a substance called fibrin. Fibrin does not exist as such in blood but is created by the action of thrombin, an enzyme that promotes the conversion of fibrinogen, one of the plasma proteins, to fibrin in the clotting process. Thrombin is not present in circulating blood; it is formed from prothrombin, another of the plasma proteins, by a complex process involving blood platelets, certain calcium salts, substances produced by injured tissue, and contact with rough surfaces. If any of these factors is deficient, clot formation is defective. The addition of sodium citrate removes calcium ions from the blood and thus prevents a clot from forming. Lack of vitamin K makes impossible the maintenance of the proper amount of prothrombin in the blood. Certain diseases may lower the concentration of the various clotting proteins or of the platelets of the blood.


Certain blood characteristics are kept within narrow limits by precisely regulated processes that maintain a state of equilibrium, or homeostasis. For example, the alkalinity of the blood is so nearly constant that if the pH falls to 7.0 (the same as that of pure water), the individual lapses into an acidotic coma that may be fatal; on the other hand, if the pH rises above 7.5 (the same as that of a solution containing 1 part of caustic soda in 50 million parts of water), the individual lapses into tetany, a condition marked by muscle spasms, and will probably die. Similarly, a fall in blood sugar concentration, normally about 0.1 percent, to less than 0.05 percent brings on convulsions. Persistently high concentrations of blood sugar, when accompanied by a variety of important metabolic changes, often bring about diabetic coma (see Diabetes Mellitus). The temperature of the blood in a normal individual does not vary more than 0.6° C (1° F) from a normal average of 37° C (98.6° F). A rise in blood temperature of 3.3° C (6° F) is usually an indication of serious illness, and a rise of 6° C (10° F) generally causes death.

Blood Diseases

Disorders of the blood arise from abnormal changes in its composition. A laboratory technique known as complete blood count (CBC) is a useful indicator of disease and health. A precisely measured sample of blood is automatically diluted, and an electronic or optical scanner counts the cells, usually. Different settings or diluting agents permit the counting of red cells, white cells, or platelets. A CBC may also include a sorting of white cells into categories, which may be done visually from a stained sample on a microscope slide or automatically using one of several techniques.

An abnormal reduction in the hemoglobin content or in the number of red blood cells is known as anemia, which is regarded as a symptom rather than a disease and has a number of causes. Probably the most common cause is blood loss, or hemorrhage. Excessive destruction of the red blood cells, a condition known as hemolytic anemia, may be caused by a variety of toxins or by an antibody to the red blood cells. One type of anemia, occurring in infants at or shortly before birth is erythroblastosis fetalis, or Rh disease (see Rh reason).

Anemia also results from decreased production of red cells, attributable to a loss of iron, to a deficiency of vitamin B12, or to a failure in the function of bone marrow. Finally, one group of anemias is caused by inherited defects in the production of red cells or hemoglobin. These anemias include a number of hereditary disorders in which the red cells lack any one of several enzymes needed if the cell is properly to utilize glucose.

Formation of abnormal hemoglobin is responsible for the hereditary defects called sickle-cell anemia and thalassemia major. Both are severe diseases that can be fatal in childhood.

An increase in the number of circulating red blood cells is called polycythemia, which can be a primary condition or one that follows decreased oxygenation of the blood, or hypoxia. Extreme hypoxia occurs most commonly in advanced lung disease, in certain types of congenital heart disease, and at high altitudes.

Leukemia is accompanied by a disordered increase in white blood cells. Several types of leukemia exist, each characterized by the cells involved.

A deficiency in any of the factors necessary for blood coagulation leads to excessive bleeding. A decrease in platelets is known as thrombocytopenia; a decrease in clotting factor VIII results in hemophilia A (classic hemophilia); a decrease in clotting factor IX results in hemophilia B, commonly known as Christmas disease. Several of the hemorrhagic diseases, such as hemophilia, are hereditary. Preparations are available that contain some of the clotting factors in concentrated form for treating some of these disorders. In 1984 researchers developed a genetic engineering technique for making Factor VIII, a blood-clotting factor of vital importance for victims of the most common form of hemophilia. Commercial production of Factor VIII was established in 1986.

Although clot formation is a normal process, it sometimes occurs inappropriately and constitutes a threat to life. In people who are hospitalized for a long time, for example, clots sometimes form in the large veins of the legs (see Thrombosis). If these clots, or thrombi, travel to the lungs, they can cause death (see Embolism). Such venous thrombi are dissolved in many cases with a combination of drugs that prevent coagulation and break down clots. Anticoagulants include the natural compound heparin, prepared from the lungs and livers of animals, and the synthetic chemicals dicumarol and warfarin. Clot-dissolving drugs, called thrombolytics, include two enzymes, urokinase and streptokinase, approved for medical use in 1979, and tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), a product of genetic engineering.

Interaction of thrombocytes with the fatty deposits found in atherosclerotic heart disease is thought to contribute to heart attacks. Compounds such as aspirin and sulfinpyrazone, which inhibit platelet activity, may decrease heart attacks in persons with atherosclerotic disease.



Poliomyelitis, infectious virus disease of the central nervous system, sometimes resulting in paralysis. The greatest incidence of the disease, also known as infantile paralysis, is in children between the ages of five and ten years. The disease was described in 1840 by the German orthopedist Jacob von Heine. In its clinical form it is more prevalent in temperate zones.


The virus usually enters the body through the alimentary tract and spreads along nerve cells to affect various parts of the central nervous system. The incubation period ranges from about 4 to 35 days. Early symptoms include fatigue, headache, fever, vomiting, constipation, stiffness of the neck, or, less commonly, diarrhea and pain in the extremities. Because nerve cells that control muscular movement are not replaced once they are destroyed, poliovirus infection can cause permanent paralysis. When nerve cells in respiratory centers, which control breathing, are destroyed, the victim must be kept alive by an iron lung (see Artificial Respiration). For every paralytic case of poliomyelitis, however, there may be 100 nonparalytic cases.


Because no drug developed so far has proved effective, treatment is entirely symptomatic. The Australian nurse Elizabeth Kenny first initiated use of moist heat coupled with physical therapy to stimulate the muscles, and antispasmodic drugs are administered to produce muscular relaxation. In the convalescent stage, occupational therapy is used.

Disease Control

Three broad types of the virus have been identified: the Brunhilde (type 1), Lansing (type 2), and Leon (type 3) strains. Immunity to one strain does not furnish protection against the other two.

Poliomyelitis control was made possible when, in 1949, the American bacteriologist John Franklin Enders and his coworkers discovered a method of growing the viruses on tissue in the laboratory. Applying this technique, the American physician and epidemiologist Jonas Salk developed a vaccine prepared from inactivated poliomyelitis viruses of the three known types. After field trials in 1954 the vaccine was pronounced safe and effective, and mass inoculation began. The American virologist Albert Sabin subsequently developed a vaccine containing attenuated, live poliovirus that could be given orally. This vaccine, called trivalent oral polio vaccine (TOPV), was licensed in 1960 and has replaced the Salk injectable vaccine as the standard immunizing agent in the United States. As a result of routine immunization, outbreaks of paralytic poliomyelitis in the United States declined dramatically from 57,879 cases in 1952 to only a few each year.

The vulnerability of a population that was not immunized was demonstrated in 1979, when 16 cases of paralytic poliomyelitis occurred among Amish people in the United States and Canada who had not been vaccinated.




Measles, also rubeola, acute, highly contagious, fever-producing disease caused by a filterable virus, different from the virus that causes the less serious disease German measles, or rubella. Measles is characterized by small red dots appearing on the surface of the skin, irritation of the eyes (especially on exposure to light), coughing, and a runny nose. About 12 days after first exposure, the fever, sneezing, and runny nose appear. Coughing and swelling of the neck glands often follow. Four days later, red spots appear on the face or neck and then on the trunk and limbs. In 2 or 3 days the rash subsides and the fever falls; some peeling of the involved skin areas may take place. Infection of the middle ear may also occur.

Measles was formerly one of the most common childhood diseases. Since the development of an effective vaccine in 1963, it has become much less frequent. By 1988, annual measles cases in the U.S. had been reduced to fewer than 3500, compared with about 500,000 per year in the early 1960s. However, the number of new cases jumped to more than 18,000 in 1989 and to nearly 28,000 in 1990. Most of these cases occurred among inner-city preschool children and recent immigrants, but adolescents and young adults, who may have lost immunity (see Immunization) from their childhood vaccinations, also experienced an increase. In 1991, the number of new cases dropped to fewer than 10,000. The reasons for this resurgence and subsequent decline are not clearly understood. In other parts of the world measles is still a common childhood disease. In the U.S., measles is rarely fatal; should the virus spread to the brain, however, it can cause death or brain damage (see Encephalitis).

No specific treatment for measles exists. Patients are kept isolated from other susceptible individuals, usually resting in bed, and are treated with aspirin, cough syrup, and skin lotions to lessen fever, coughing, and itching. The disease usually confers immunity after one attack, and an immune pregnant woman passes the antibody in the globulin fraction of the blood serum, through the placenta, to her fetus.


Germs and Virus


Germ, general term employed loosely to designate any minute pathogenic agent. The term is applied to disease-producing microorganisms, such as bacteria, protozoa, and fungi, and to pathogenic agents of uncertain classification, such as rickettsia and viruses (see Virus).

The term germ became widely used after the development of the germ theory of disease in the 19th century. Scientists and science writers after the beginning of the 20th century have tended to use the specific technical names of particular microorganisms.



Virus (life science), infectious agent found in virtually all life forms, including humans, animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. Viruses consist of genetic material—either deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA)—surrounded by a protective coating of protein, called a capsid, with or without an outer lipid envelope. Viruses are between 20 and 100 times smaller than bacteria and hence are too small to be seen by light microscopy. Viruses vary in size from the largest poxviruses of about 450 nanometers (about 0.000014 in) in length to the smallest polioviruses of about 30 nanometers (about 0.000001 in). Viruses are not considered free-living, since they cannot reproduce outside of a living cell; they have evolved to transmit their genetic information from one cell to another for the purpose of replication.

Viruses often damage or kill the cells that they infect, causing disease in infected organisms. A few viruses stimulate cells to grow uncontrollably and produce cancers. Although viruses cause many infectious diseases, such as the common cold,, there are no cures for these illnesses. The difficulty in developing antiviral therapies stems from the large number of variant viruses that can cause the same disease, as well as the inability of drugs to disable a virus without disabling healthy cells. However, the development of antiviral agents is a major focus of current research, and the study of viruses has led to many discoveries important to human health.

Structure and Classification


Individual viruses, or virus particles, also called virions, contain genetic material, or genomes, in one of several forms. Unlike cellular organisms, which have only DNA, viruses have either DNA or RNA. Like cell DNA, almost all viral DNA is double-stranded, and it can have either a circular or a linear arrangement. Almost all-viral RNA is single-stranded; it is usually linear, and it may be either segmented (with different genes on different RNA molecules) or nonsegmented (with all genes on a single piece of RNA).

The viral protective shell, or capsid, can be either helical (spiral-shaped) or icosahedral (having 20 triangular sides). Capsids are composed of repeating units of one or a few different proteins. These units are called protomers or capsomers. The proteins that make up the virus particle are called structural proteins. Viruses also carry genes for making proteins that are never incorporated into the virus particle and are found only in infected cells. These viral proteins are called nonstructural proteins; they include factors required for the replication of the viral genome and the production of the virus particle.

Capsids and the genetic material (DNA or RNA) they contain are together referred to as nucleocapsids. Some virus particles consist only of nucleocapsids, while others contain additional structures.

Some icosahedral and helical animal viruses are enclosed in a lipid envelope acquired when the virus buds through host-cell membranes. Inserted into this envelope are glycoproteins that the viral genome directs the cell to make; these molecules bind virus particles to susceptible host cells.

The most elaborate viruses are the bacteriophages, which use bacteria as their hosts. Some bacteriophages resemble an insect with an icosahedral head attached to a tubular sheath. From the base of the sheath extend several long tail fibers that help the virus attach to the bacterium and inject its DNA to be replicated and to direct capsid production and virus particle assembly inside the cell.

Disease-causing agents that resemble incomplete viruses are called viroids and prions. Viroids are plant pathogens that consist only of a circular, independently replicating RNA molecule. The single-stranded RNA circle collapses on itself to form a rodlike structure. The only known mammalian pathogen that resembles plant viroids is the deltavirus (hepatitis D), which requires hepatitis B virus proteins to package its RNA into virus particles. Co-infection with hepatitis B and D can produce more severe disease than can infection with hepatitis B alone. Prions are human and animal pathogens that consist of only a protein and lack nucleic acids. The prion protein (PrP) can be infectious and causes a fatal neurological disease. A change in the shape of PrP is believed to be the key factor in the development of the disease.

Viruses are classified according to their type of genetic material, their strategy of replication, and their structure. The International Committee on Nomenclature of Viruses (ICNV), established in 1966, devised a scheme to group viruses into families, subfamilies, genera, and species. The ICNV report published in 1995 assigned more than 4000 viruses into 71 virus families. Hundreds of other viruses remain unclassified because of the lack of sufficient information.




The first contact between a virus particle and its host cell occurs when an outer viral structure docks with a specific molecule on the cell surface. For example, a glycoprotein called gp120 on the surface of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, the cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS) virion specifically binds to the CD4 molecule found on certain human T lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). HIV cannot infect most cells that do not have surface CD4 molecules generally.

After binding to an appropriate cell, a virus must cross the cell membrane. Some viruses accomplish this goal by fusing their lipid envelope to the cell membrane, thus releasing the nucleocapsid into the cytoplasm of the cell. Other viruses must first be endocytosed (enveloped by a small section of the cell’s plasma membrane that pokes into the cell and pinches off to form a bubblelike vesicle called an endosome) before they can cross the cell membrane. Conditions in the endosome allow many viruses to change the shape of one or more of their proteins. These changes permit the virus either to fuse with the endosomal membrane or to lyse the endosome (cause it to break apart), allowing the nucleocapsid to enter the cell cytoplasm.

Once inside the cell, the virus replicates itself through a series of events. Viral genes direct the production of proteins by the host cellular machinery. The first viral proteins synthesized by some viruses are the enzymes required to copy the viral genome. Using a combination of viral and cellular components, the viral genome can be replicated thousands of times. Late in the replication cycle for many viruses, proteins that make up the capsid are synthesized. These proteins package the viral genetic material to make newly formed nucleocapsids.

To complete the virus replication cycle, viruses must exit the cell. Some viruses bud out of the cell’s plasma membrane by a process resembling reverse endocytosis. Other viruses cause the cell to lyse, thereby releasing newly formed virus particles ready to infect other cells. Still other viruses pass directly from one cell into an adjacent cell without being exposed to the extracellular environment. The virus replication cycle can be as short as a couple of hours for certain small viruses or as long as several days for some large viruses.

Some viruses kill cells by inflicting severe damage resulting in cell lysis; other viruses cause the cell to kill itself in response to virus infection. This programmed cell suicide is thought to be a host defense mechanism to eliminate infected cells before the virus can complete its replication cycle and spread to other cells. Alternatively, cells may survive virus infection, and the virus can persist for the life of its host. Virtually all people harbor harmless viruses.

Retroviruses, such as HIV, have RNA that is transcribed into DNA by the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase upon entry into the cell. (The ability of retroviruses to copy RNA into DNA earned them their name because this process is the reverse of the usual transfer of genetic information, from DNA to RNA.) The DNA form of the retrovirus genome is then integrated into the cellular DNA and is referred to as the provirus. The viral genome is replicated every time the host cell replicates its DNA and is thus passed on to daughter cells.

Hepatitis B virus can also transcribe RNA to DNA, but this virus packages the DNA version of its genome into virus particles. Unlike retroviruses, hepatitis B virus does not integrate into the host cell DNA.




Most viral infections cause no symptoms and do not result in disease. For example, only a small percentage of individuals who become infected with Epstein-Barr virus or western equine encephalomyelitis virus ever develop disease symptoms. In contrast, most people who are infected with measles, rabies, or influenza viruses develop the disease. A wide variety of viral and host factors determine the outcome of virus infections. A small genetic variation can produce a virus with increased capacity to cause disease. Such a virus is said to have increased virulence.

Viruses can enter the body by several routes. Herpes simplex virus and poxviruses enter through the skin by direct contact with virus-containing skin lesions on infected individuals. Ebola, hepatitis B, and HIV can be contracted from infected blood products. Hypodermic needles and animal and insect bites can transmit a variety of viruses through the skin. Airborne droplets of mucus or saliva from infected individuals who cough or sneeze usually transmit viruses that infect through the respiratory tract. Viruses that enter through the respiratory tract include orthomyxovirus (influenza), rhinovirus and adenovirus (common cold), and varicella-zoster virus (chicken pox). Viruses such as rotavirus, coronavirus, poliovirus, hepatitis A, and some adenoviruses enter the host through the gastrointestinal tract. Sexually transmitted viruses, such as herpes simplex, HIV, and human papilloma viruses (HPV), gain entry through the genitourinary route. Other viruses, including some adenoviruses, echoviruses, Coxsackie viruses, and herpesviruses, can infect through the eye.

Virus infections can be either localized or systemic. The path of virus spread through the body in systemic infections differs among different viruses. Following replication at the initial site of entry, many viruses are spread to their target organs by the bloodstream or the nervous system.

The particular cell type can influence the outcome of virus infection. For example, herpes simplex virus undergoes lytic replication in skin cells around the lips but can establish a latent or dormant state in neuron cell bodies (located in ganglia) for extended periods of time. During latency, the viral genome is largely dormant in the cell nucleus until a stimulus such as a sunburn causes the reactivation of latent herpesvirus, leading to the lytic replication cycle. Once reactivated, the virus travels from the ganglia back down the nerve to cause a cold sore on the lip near the original site of infection. The herpesvirus genome does not integrate into the host cell genome.

Virus-induced illnesses can be either acute, in which the patient recovers promptly, or chronic, in which the virus remains with the host or the damage caused by the virus is irreparable. For most acute viruses, the time between infection and the onset of disease can vary from three days to three weeks. In contrast, onset of AIDS following infection with HIV takes an average of 7 to 11 years.

Several human viruses are likely to be agents of cancer, which can take decades to develop. The precise role of these viruses in human cancers is not well understood, and genetic and environmental factors are likely to contribute to these diseases. But because a number of viruses have been shown to cause tumors in animal models, it is probable that many viruses have a key role in human cancers.

Some viruses—alphaviruses and flaviviruses, for example—must be able to infect more than one species to complete their life cycles. Eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus, an alphavirus, replicates in mosquitoes and is transmitted to wild birds when the mosquitoes feed. Thus, wild birds and perhaps mammals and reptiles serve as the virus reservoir, and mosquitoes serve as vectors essential to the virus life cycle by ensuring transmission of the virus from one host to another. Horses and people are accidental hosts when an infected mosquito bites them, and they do not play an important role in virus transmission.

The most common human prion disease is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), which has a worldwide incidence of approximately one in a million individuals and is characterized by dementia. Scrapie is the most common prion disease in animals. Feed for cattle generated from scrapied sheep in Great Britain has resulted in the death of more than 150,000 cattle from bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease, since the discovery of the disease in 1986. It is not yet known if humans can develop CJD from consuming prion-contaminated beef, but several recent cases in Great Britain suggest this possibility.


Although viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics, which are effective only against bacteria, the body’s immune system has many natural defenses against virus infections. Infected cells produce interferon’s and other cytokines (soluble components that are largely responsible for regulating the immune response), which can signal adjacent uninfected cells to mount their defenses, enabling uninfected cells to impair virus replication. Some cytokines can cause a fever in response to viral infection; elevated body temperature retards the growth of some types of viruses. B lymphocytes produce specific antibodies that can bind and inactivate viruses. Cytotoxic T cells recognize virus-infected cells and target them for destruction. However, many viruses have evolved ways to circumvent some of these host defense mechanisms.

The development of antiviral therapies has been thwarted by the difficulty of generating drugs that can distinguish viral processes from cellular processes. Therefore, most treatments for viral diseases simply alleviate symptoms, such as fever, dehydration, and achiness. Nevertheless, antiviral drugs for influenza virus, herpesviruses, and HIV are available, and many others are in the experimental and developmental stages.

Prevention has been a more effective method of controlling virus infections. Viruses that are transmitted by insects or rodent excretions can be controlled with pesticides. Successful vaccines are currently available for poliovirus, influenza, rabies, adenovirus, rubella, yellow fever, measles, mumps, and chicken pox. Vaccines are prepared from killed (inactivated) virus, live (attenuated or weakened) virus, or isolated viral proteins (subunits). Each of these types of vaccines elicits an immune response while causing little or no disease, and there are advantages and disadvantages to each. (For a more complete discussion of vaccines, see the Immunization article.)

British physician Edward Jenner discovered the principle of vaccination. In 1796 Jenner observed that milkmaids in England who contracted the mild cowpox virus infection from their cows were protected from smallpox, a frequently fatal disease. In 1798 Jenner formally demonstrated that prior infection with cowpox virus protected those that he inoculated with smallpox virus (an experiment that would not meet today’s protocol standards because of its use of human subjects). In 1966 the World Health Organization (WHO) initiated a program to eradicate smallpox from the world. Because it was impossible to vaccinate the entire world population, the eradication plan was to identify cases of smallpox and then vaccinate all of the individuals in that vicinity. The last reported case of smallpox was in Somalia in October 1977. An important factor in the success of eradicating smallpox was that humans are the only host and there are no animal reservoirs for smallpox virus. The strain of poxvirus used for immunization against smallpox was called vaccinia. Introduction of the Salk (inactivated) and Sabin (live, attenuated) vaccines for poliovirus, developed in the 1950s by the American physician and epidemiologist Jonas Salk and the American virologist Albert Bruce Sabin, respectively, was responsible for a significant worldwide decline in paralytic poliomyelitis. However, polio has not been eradicated, partly because the virus can mutate and escape the host immune response. Influenza viruses mutate so rapidly that new vaccines are developed for distribution each year.

Viruses undergo very high rates of mutation (genetic alteration) largely because they lack the repair systems that cells have to safeguard against mutations. A high mutation rate enables the virus to continually adapt to new intracellular environments and to escape from the host immune response. Co-infection of the same cell with different related viruses allows for genetic reassortment (exchange of genome segments) and intramolecular recombination. Genetic alterations can alter virulence or allow viruses to gain access to new cell types or new animal hosts. Many scientists believe that HIV is derived from a closely related monkey virus, SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus), that acquired the ability to infect humans. Many of today’s emerging viruses may have similar histories.



By the last half of the 19th century, the microbial world was known to consist of protozoa, fungi, and bacteria, all visible with a light microscope. In the 1840s, the German scientist Jacob Henle suggested that there were infectious agents too small to be seen with a light microscope, but for the lack of direct proof, his hypothesis was not accepted. Although the French scientist Louis Pasteur was working to develop a vaccine for rabies in the 1880s, he did not understand the concept of a virus.

During the last half of the 19th century, several key discoveries were made that set the stage for the discovery of viruses. Pasteur is usually credited for dispelling the notion of spontaneous generation and proving that organisms reproduce new organisms. The German scientist Robert Koch, a student of Jacob Henle, and the British surgeon Joseph Lister developed techniques for growing cultures of single organisms that allowed the assignment of specific bacteria to specific diseases.

The German scientist Adolf Mayer accomplished the first experimental transmission of a viral infection in about 1880, when he demonstrated that extracts from infected tobacco leaves could transfer tobacco mosaic disease to a new plant, causing spots on the leaves. Because Mayer was unable to isolate a bacterium or fungus from the tobacco leaf extracts, he considered the idea that tobacco mosaic disease might be caused by a soluble agent, but he concluded incorrectly that a new type of bacteria was likely to be the cause. The Russian scientist Dimitri Ivanofsky extended Mayer’s observation and reported in 1892 that the tobacco mosaic agent was small enough to pass through a porcelain filter known to block the passage of bacteria. He too failed to isolate bacteria or fungi from the filtered material. But Ivanofsky, like Mayer, was bound by the dogma of his times and concluded in 1903 that the filter might be defective or that the disease agent was a toxin rather than a reproducing organism.

Unaware of Ivanofsky’s results, the Dutch scientist Martinus Beijerinck, who collaborated with Mayer, repeated the filter experiment but extended this finding by demonstrating that the filtered material was not a toxin because it could grow and reproduce in the cells of the plant tissues. In his 1898 publication, Beijerinck referred to this new disease agent as a contagious living liquid—contagium vivum fluid—initiating a 20-year controversy over whether viruses were liquids or particles.

The conclusion that viruses are particles came from several important observations. In 1917 the French-Canadian scientist Felix H. d’Hérelle discovered that viruses of bacteria, which he named bacteriophage, could make holes in a culture of bacteria. Because each hole, or plaque, developed from a single bacteriophage, this experiment provided the first method for counting infectious viruses (the plaque assay). In 1935 the American biochemist Wendell Meredith Stanley crystallized tobacco mosaic virus to demonstrate that viruses had regular shapes, and in 1939 tobacco mosaic virus was first visualized using the electron microscope.

In 1898 the German bacteriologists Friedrich August Johannes Lِffler and Paul F. Frosch (both trained by Robert Koch) described foot-and-mouth disease virus as the first filterable agent of animals, and in 1900, the American bacteriologist Walter Reed and colleagues recognized yellow fever virus as the first human filterable agent. For several decades viruses were referred to as filterable agents, and gradually the term virus (Latin for "slimy liquid" or "poison") was employed strictly for this new class of infectious agents. Through the 1940s and 1950s many critical discoveries were made about viruses through the study of bacteriophages because of the ease with which the bacteria they infect could be grown in the laboratory. Between 1948 and 1955, scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions revolutionized the study of animal viruses by developing cell culture systems that permitted the growth and study of many animal viruses in laboratory dishes.


Three theories have been put forth to explain the origin of viruses. One theory suggests that viruses are derived from more complex intracellular parasites that have eliminated all but the essential features required for replication and transmission. A more widely accepted theory is that viruses are derived from normal cellular components that gained the ability to replicate autonomously. A third possibility is that viruses originated from self-replicating RNA molecules. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that RNA can code for proteins as well as carry out enzymatic functions. Thus, viroids may resemble "prehistoric" viruses.

Importance of Viruses

Because viral processes so closely resemble normal cellular processes, abundant information about cell biology and genetics has come from studying viruses. Basic scientists and medical researchers at university and hospital laboratories are working to understand viral mechanisms of action and are searching for new and better ways to treat viral illnesses. Many pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are actively pursuing effective antiviral therapies. Viruses can also serve as tools. Because they are efficient factories for the production of viral proteins, viruses have been harnessed to produce a wide variety of proteins for industrial and research purposes. A new area of endeavor is the use of viruses for gene therapy. Because viruses are programmed to carry genetic information into cells, they have been used to replace defective cellular genes. Viruses are also being altered by genetic engineering to kill selected cell populations, such as tumor cells. The use of genetically engineered viruses for medical intervention is a relatively new field, and none of these therapies is widely available. However, this is a fast-growing area of research, and many clinical trials are now in progress. The use of genetically engineered viruses extends beyond the medical field. Recombinant insect viruses have agricultural applications and are currently being tested in field trials for their effectiveness as pesticides.


